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Madge's birthday celebrations

One of our regular Thursday morning breakfast customers, the wonderful Madge, celebrated her birthday at the Lymm Youth and Community Centre. There were cakes, refreshments, bunting and banter. And even the local PCSO dropped in to wish Madge a happy birthday.

Harold wrote his wife a lovely tribute.


We met and we courted a long time ago

In a World that was so different to the one we now know.

You asked her Fathers permission for you to get wed

And hoped the answer to the question was “yes” that he said.

We married at Padgate in July, nineteen sixty two

Getting married in those days was what you would do.

We had already bought a house for our married life

And there we settled down as Husband and Wife.

We were blessed with two daughters, our family complete

A very happy couple was what you would meet.

The years just rolled by with a very fast speed

And we just got older, taking no heed.

Our Anniversaries flew by from Silver to Gold

It’s fifty nine years now, we’re settled in the mould.

Next year it’s sixty, the Diamond for us

If we’re too old to drive, we’ll go on the bus.

Madge is now eighty, and I’m eighty two

We’re just plodding on as we were taught to do.

We thank God above for each day that he sends

But the best things he sent were our wonderful friends.



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Charity Registration: 1161588

Company Registration: 06525466





Lymm Youth & Community Association Ltd

Bridgewater Street



WA13 0AB


Bookings Hotline: 07946 676735

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